Lansdowne Dental Logo

The Advanced, Effective way to an Easy Smile.

Implant supported restorations can replace a single missing tooth or multiple missing teeth without damaging the adjacent teeth.

The real benefits to you are a more confident smile and the ability to chew and enjoy your food better. Dental implants are small, artificial tooth roots made from engineered titanium, which are anchored to your jaw and used to support a crown, bridge or denture.

Implants have many advantages:

  • Look, feel and work like natural teeth
  • More comfortable and stable than dentures
  • Improves denture function and self-confidence

We recommend dental implants as a great alternative to bridges and dentures, replacing missing teeth and helping to keep adjacent teeth healthy.

Your dental implant work at Lansdowne will be carried out by Sachin, a Consultant at Glasgow Dental Hospital and Specialist in Restorative dentistry, Endodontics, Periodontics and Prosthodontics. 

Sachin’s implant techniques are the most proven and highly researched available and he only uses the most reputable implant systems Straumann and Nobel Biocare.